Suh Yongsun: My Name is Red
2023. 9. 15.
Suh Yongsun: My Name is Red
The exhibition book ‘Suh Yongsun: My Name is Red’ offers readers an introduction to the exhibition and its artworks. It also includes Suh Yongsun’s published papers and artist’s notes, as well as insightful analyses of the artist by art historians Chunghoon Shin and Jung-Ah Woo. Additionally, the book features a curatorial essay written by Jang Un Kim, the curator of the exhibition and the director of the Art Sonje Center.
11 ‘My Name is Red’ Jang Un Kim
33 ‘Why do I paint Mythology and History?’ Suh Yongsun
59 ‘Suh Yongsun’s Rehumanization and Anti-humanism’ Chunghoon Shin
91 ‘Memoirs of the Blind Unending Conversations, and the Art of Suh Yongsun’ Jung-Ah Woo
141 Part 1: Gold
163 Part 2: Black
227 Part 3: Butter-fly
262 Exhibition Installation View ‘Part 1&2’
337 ‘Schiller, Beuys’ Suh Yongsun
367 Artist Biography
373 Public Programs