Donghee Kim, Minae Kim, Jong Oh, Soosung Lee, Goeun Choi: Point Counter Point
2018. 4. 6.
Donghee Kim, Minae Kim, Jong Oh, Soosung Lee, Goeun Choi: Point Counter Point
Point Counter Point: Spatial Counterpoint – Haeju Kim / p.31
Interviews with Artists
Donghee Kim, Light/Layer/Volume/Space – Haeju Kim / p.41
Minae Kim, A Sculpture that Sink – Hyo Gyoung Jeon / p.43
Jong Oh, Balances between the Illusive and the Graspable – Hyo Gyoung Jeon / p.65
Soosung Lee, Encountering the Building at the Corner– Haeju Kim / p.75
Goeun Choi, White Appliances and White Cube – Haeju Kim/ p.87
Corners– Eunbi Cho / p.95
Colin Mouat
Haeju Kim
Na Kim
Myungsang Yu
Yeonje Kim