Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Cloud
July 2024
Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Cloud
The exhibition catalogue ‘Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Cloud’ includes a collaborative essay by the curators, Jang Un Kim and Je Yun Moon alongside scripts of Hotel Aporia (2019), Timepieces Aphorisms (2023-2024), T for Time (2023-2024).
7 Preface
14 Earth
20 Gould
24 Newton
31 The Cloud of Unknowing
48 Hotel Aporia
75 Timepieces
T for Time
126 Essay
‘Decolonial Exploration on Algorithm in Ho Tzu Nyen’s Artistic Strategies’ Jang Un Kim, Je Yun Moon
134 Appendix – Scripts
146 Hotel Aporia
163 Timepieces Aphorisms
199 T for Time
228 Ho Tzu Nyen