Public Program

Artist Talk: Fahrettin Örenli

15, Nov, 2017 (Wed) 19:00

Art Hall(B1)

Artist Talk: Fahrettin Örenli


Art Sonje Center presents Fahrettin Örenli’s Artist Talk on 15 November, Wednesday, 2017 at B1 Art Hall. The subject of this Artist Talk is a “commercialized knowledge” accompanied with Turkish-Dutch Artist Fahrettin Örenli. Örenli wants to represent how the capitalism has been functioned based on the relationship between money and cities through his artistic insight. In his opinion the cities “grow as indestructible and self – regenerating organic and they refine information from their center to suburbs alongside centuries”. The refinement process of information leads to the commercialization of knowledge which produces benefits. Örenli shows this situation symbolically in which creativity is ended up as a means to produce more profits. This Artist Talk reflects upon the notion of socio-political mechanisms based on money and furthermore will ask us to think of the meaning of art in depth which can resist against the capitalism.
“In the commercialized, profit-production era, the biggest refined measurement to build our values and knowledge is absolutely money and this has been taking place in mainly cities.
Therefore, cities grow as indestructible and self – regenerating organic and they refine information from their center to suburbs alongside centuries. However, the refining process happens to mostly profitable, commercial knowledge. If so, as we live in cities and become the part of them, how do we refine our knowledge and develop? How does each individual living in cities also carry commercial knowledge in this time that we are in? Theoretically, if each individual carries commercial knowledge and desires to be successful in the city, one needs to be different and create new ways to enter the closed door of established market. Today economical world encapsulates and instrumentalizes creativity. If money making is considered as the biggest focus point in society in our time and the genuine creativity is stuck in society and art, could we compare the process of creative money making with genuine (art) creativity and use this process of money making to regenerate creativity in art?” (An extract from the artist, Fahrettin Örenli’s texts.)

Fahrettin Örenli
Fahrettin Örenli (b.1969, Turkey) lives and works between Amsterdam, Istanbul and Seoul. He studied at Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, Netherlands. He participated in artist-in-residence programs at the MMCA residency Changdong (2017); Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul (2006-2007) and ISCP, NY (2003). Örenli was awarded the ABN AMRO Art Prize, Amsterdam (2004) and the Royal Painting Prize,
Amsterdam (2000). His works were shown in several international institutions and exhibitions like the Museum of Antioquia, Medellín (2017); DEPO, Istanbul (2016); Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam (2015); Istanbul Modern, Istanbul (2014). His next solo exhibition will be shown at Pi ArtWorks (London) and Project Fulfill Art Space (Taipei) in 2018.

Timothy Murray
Majored in new media and art, video and film and comparative literature Timothy Murray is a professor, Comparative Literature and English, College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University. He currently studies the relationship between modern art and media and he is interested in Asian arts and aesthetics. His main literature is best known for his book Digital Baroque(2008).

Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
Dr. Alex Taek-Gwang Lee is a cultural critic and professor in Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea. He obtained MA in philosophy from University of Warwick and PhD in Cultural Theory from The University of Sheffield. His publications include The Idea of Communism 3 with Slavoj Zizek, Theory After Althusserianism, Futurism, The Obscene Fantasy of Korean Culture, Nationalism as a Sublime Object, Deleuze as a Theatre of Philosophy, This is What is Called Cultural Criticism, The Impressionists, and Framing a Witch.

15, Nov, 2017 (Wed) 19:00
Art Hall(B1)
Fahrettin Örenli
Hosted by
Art Sonje Center
Sponsored by
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mondriaan Fund|SAHA Association

Alex Taek-Gwang Lee(Kyungh Hee University)