Living in Joy
March 28 – June 25, 2023
The Ground, Art Sonje Center
Living in Joy
Art Sonje Center presents an exhibition titled Living in Joy from March 28 to June 25. This comes in response to the work of Swiss artist Heidi Bucher, who is holding a retrospective at Art Sonje Center during the same period, while also presenting three Korean female artists who are invested in understanding gender conditions and equality in today’s world: Rondi Park, Boma Pak, and Hannah Woo.
Under the thematic idea of liberation , Heidi Bucher explores spaces in which a patriarchal hierarchy is embedded, as well as the human body located in this hierarchy, and the style of existence. Living in Joy examines the possibility of contemporary art production that creates new perceptions, new changes, and new connections through the works of Korean female artists—just like Bucher, who aims to make new changes in values by breaking away from the existing male chauvinist order. This exhibition proposes joy , which is an elation that predisposes us to others and the world, as a method to deeply care for the wellbeing of us all, while simultaneously exploring how art contributes to an experience related to the substance of gender.
On the other hand, the performance program The Festival of Skin , which is held in conjunction with the
exhibition, is a two-night festival dedicated to the millions of sensory cells on the body’s surface that connect our inner side and the outer world. Various types of performances such as dance, jam and tarot will be held in the museum, with details to be made available on our website at a later date.