Imagescape: Contemporary Mexican Art
June 5 – August 19, 2001
Art Sonje Center
Imagescape: Contemporary Mexican Art
This exhibition, co-hosted by Arte Contemporaneo de Mexico en el Museo Carrillo Gil, is the first exhibition to show Mexican contemporary art in Korea. The featured artists of this exhibition include Francis Alys, a well-known Conceptual performance artist who is famous for bringing out the sensitivities of its viewers; Yishai Jusidman, one of the finalists at the 2001 Gwangju Biennale; Miguel Calderon, renowned for the baroque and kitsch photographs and video works and Carlos Amorales, whose works criticize social phenomenon by capturing images on video from pro-wrestling matches. In addition, there are 35 artists exhibiting 41 pieces of fine arts, video arts, installations, photographies, and sculptures.