Past Exhibition

Beyond Landscape

July 14 – August 29, 1999

Art Sonje Center

Beyond Landscape

Beyond Landscape shows a small segment of Korean contemporary art through a common subject — the landscape. This exhibit breaks away from traditional beliefs and methods in attempt to define Korean art through revolutionary means by rediscovering the Self through encounters with others. By this means, the exhibited works redefine the existing identity of Korean art with a future-oriented and cultural self-awareness. 

This exhibition features works by 20 Korean artists of different genres and working methods, including Hong-Joo Kim, Kim Beom, Yiso Bahc, Ju-Young Jung, Myung-Seup Hong, among many others, with the intention of exploring the view and sense of value encompassing the Korean art world. The exhibition does not simply display works on landscapes, but illustrates the landscape through the relationships and environments that are created among the works displayed at the exhibition. As such, some share the space by embracing their physical and structural differences between Oriental paintings and photographs; some illustrate humorous and conceptual sides of the landscapes; and others embrace the psychological aspect of landscapes by inducing the viewer to imagine what lies beyond the landscape. This exhibition has been planned by guest curator Hyuni Jung.  

July 14 – August 29, 1999
Art Sonje Center
Bo-Young Jeong, Chun-Il Kim, Gene-Uk Choi, Geun-Tack You, Ho-Deuk Kim, Hong Joo Kim, In-Hyeon Lee, Jang-Sup Kim, Joo-Hyun Kim, Ki-Yoon Kwon, KIM Beom, Kyung-Koo Kang, Min Joung-Ki, Myung-Sook Kim, Myung-Sup Hong, Seung-Ho Yoo, Sun-Myung Choi, Tristan Kim, Yiso Bahc, Zu-Young Chung
Curated by
Hunyee Jung