Past Exhibition

Art Sonje Web Project #1: Karl Nawrot

July 31 – December 21. 2015


Art Sonje Web Project #1: Karl Nawrot

Art Sonje Center presents Karl Nawrot’s animation on its intro page of the website as the first Art Sonje Web Project. Nawrot’s Part I / II — Natural History piles up 60 natural elements in 60 seconds in the manner of a child’s game, hinting at a primitive form of architecture. Proposed with the renovation of Art Sonje Center ahead, the project is scheduled to advance to its latter part that investigates the actual space of the museum through architectural drawing.

Part I / II — Natural History
Karl Nawrot & Walter Warton
Elsewhere, a child plays on the ground. He builds in layers, silently arranging the remains of organic matter that he finds — husks, twigs, bark, and rocks. He adds each object like a mark in a drawing, balancing the composition with concentration and purpose. A primitive architecture emerges, haunted only by his inner voices.

About the Artist
Karl Nawrot/Walter Warton, combines drawing, model-making, type design and illustration to explore the potential narratives in between childlike lines and violent shapes, architectural structures and surreally distorted spaces. Nawrot studied illustration at the École Émile Cohl, Lyon, and graphic design at the Werkplaats Typograpfie in Arnhem. He has participated in exhibitions at such institutions as SOMarts, San Francisco; Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz; Culture Station Seoul 284; Museum für Gestaltung Zürich; Pitti Immagine, Florence. His solo exhibitions, Mind Walk (I,II,III), were held at the Eastside Project, Birmingham, in 2013; the Gallery Factory, Seoul, in 2014 and the Bel Ordinaire, Pau, in 2015. He taught drawing at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, and was a guest professor of drawing and typography at the University of Seoul (2012–2015). He won the first price at the International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont, in 2015.

Art Sonje Web Project
Art Sonje Web Project uses the intro page of the Art Sonje Center website to introduce web-based works. This project was curated along with the website renewal in November 2014 and was initiated with designer Na Kim’s presentation of a new Art Sonje Center identity. Based on the structure of ASJC logotype, Na Kim had presented an introductory page that divides the screen in basic RGB colors. From August 2015, new projects will be periodically presented on the intro page to hopefully foster a more free artistic communication, one that has broken free of the physical boundaries of exhibition space.

July 31 - December 21. 2015
Karl Nawrot
Organized by
Art Sonje Center