Art Sonje Banner Project #5: Heman Chong – Not Today Maybe Tomorrow
January 31 – August 20, 2015
The Rear Façade of Art Sonje Center
Art Sonje Banner Project #5: Heman Chong – Not Today Maybe Tomorrow
The sentence ‘Not Today Maybe Tomorrow’ was whispered to Chong one wintery night in Berlin in 2003. He was with a group of friends who were very drunk who tried to get into a club. At the door, they were stopped by a huge bouncer who took a quick look at them, gestured to Chong to move closer to him, and calmly said, ‘Not Today Maybe Tomorrow’.
Heman Chong is an artist and writer whose conceptually-charged investigations into how individuals and communities imagine the future generate a multiplicity of objects, images, installations, situations and texts. Between 2012-2014, he produced ‘Moderation(s)’, a program between Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam and Spring Workshop in Hong Kong that involved more than fifty artists and engender a conference, three exhibitions, three residencies, and a book of short stories. In 2006, he produced a writing workshop with Leif Magne Tangen at Project Arts Center in Dublin where they co-authored PHILIP, a science fiction novel, with Mark Aerial Waller, Cosmin Costinas, Rosemary Heather, Francis McKee, David Reinfurt and Steve Rushton.
+ Art Sonje Banner Project
Art Sonje Banner Project, initiated in November 2013, uses the rear façade of the Art Sonje Center to introduce large art prints. Unlike with formal gallery spaces within the museum, the Banner Project further expands the spatial range of art appreciation and allows for art to intervene the surrounding environment and public places. Here, the artwork that has come out to the space of everyday life meets not only museum visitors but the general public as well. This project makes art an everyday experience for everyone that passes by the neighborhood and offers an opportunity to convey the cultural and artistic prospect of the Samcheongdong district, where Art Sonje Center stands.