Past Exhibition

Active Wire: New Design Currents of Korea and Japan

April 28 – May 27, 2001

Art Sonje Center

Active Wire: New Design Currents of Korea and Japan

ACTIVE WIRE is organized on the foundation of design exchange between Korea and Japan. The title of this exhibition originates from electric live wire, with an emphasis on its dynamic aspect. This implies the exchange between Korea and Japan at first-hand, but it also exemplifies the creativity and power of younger designers of the next generation, including the changes and the trends of new designs in the digital age. Exhibiting works by 44 designers (28 Koreans and 16 Japanese) of various genres, the important aspect of this exhibition is that it encompasses an expanded domain of design fields including visual communication, such as graphic, type design, illustration, animation, CF, music videos, interactive and web design. And, some of the participants have presented experimental design works compounding these diverse genres.  

April 28 – May 27, 2001
Art Sonje Center
Abe Shuhei, Ahn Byung Hak, Ahn Sam Yeol, Cha Eun Teak, Choi Jun Seok, Enlightenment (Hiro Sugiyama), Han Myung Soo, Hyeon Tae Joon, Illdozer (Ishiguro Keita, image dive (Nagafuji Kanwa, Ito Keiji, Kim Doo Sup, Kim Seil, Kim Sin Hyouk, Kim Soo Jeong, Kim Sung Hak, Kim Young Chul, Kwon Yoon Joo, Lee Chang Hee, Lee Ki Seob, Lee Se Young, Lee Woo Il, Lee Young Je, Maeda Akinobu), Matsumoto Gento, Min Byong Geol, Miyadima Takafumi, Nakamura Norio, Noda Nagi, Oh Seung Hwan, Park Hwal Min, Park Myung Chun, Park Woo Hyuk, Peter Cho, Sato Takuya, Shim Wan Sub, Suh Kyong Won, Tachibana Fumio, Tanida Ichiro, Ukawa Naohiro, Yamazaki Osamu), Yang Young Soon
Hosted by
Art Sonje Center, Tokyo TDC, VIDAK(Visual Information Design Association of Korea)