Past Exhibition

2011 Art Sonje Lounge Project #5: CC Art happening Drawing – The orgin of its birth

October 18 – October 23, 2011

Lounge 1F Art Sonje Center

2011 Art Sonje Lounge Project #5: CC Art happening Drawing – The orgin of its birth

Art Happening consists of four programs categorized by genre: photography, animation, contemporary music, and illustration. For photography, the participating nine professional photographers each provide 10 artworks for the exhibitions to be held in 10 public libraries in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Visitors of the libraries will be pleased with a official public photo exhibition at the library or be able to look for photos hidden between pages of books. For those who are not able to visit the libraries in person or want more information, online photo exhibition will also be available at the website( from October 11 to 31.

For illustration, three illustrators presents a joint exhibition under the theme of “the Origin of its Birth” at Art Sonje Center’s lounge. A number of study drawings thrown away by the artists will be open to the public, freely on the floor and walls of the lounge. All the works produced for the festival “Art Happening: Serendipity Days” will be released under creative commons licenses selected by the authors. More details are available at its website(

October 18 - October 23, 2011
Lounge 1F Art Sonje Center
Hosted by
Creative Commons Korea
In collaboration with
Art Sonje Center